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What did you learn by completing this community service project? How did your participation make you a more rounded individual? What did it teach you about other people? What did you learn about your community, or about some other community? Would you ever like to volunteer for another project like this one again? What advice would you give a classmate or a friend who was considering volunteering his or her time at a community service project like this one? Be sure to include any relevant images. This statement should be at least 250 words. There is no upper word count limit for this type of reflective statement.


Be aware that your project organizer will be using the comment feature to evaluate your participation. If the evaluation is not satisfactory, your service will not count towards the 15 hours. Be aware that the Honors Director will evaluate your service. If this statement and the project description are not satisfactory, you will not receive credit.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.